The creation as energy, magic, celebration. The creation as the possibility to rip out the borderline of the body, look into the soft transparency of the soul. Find out nonarticulated realm of unconstious, the dark blue liquid zone without geometry, where the rought borders of words are melted, the space where you can find out what freedom is. Out of this piont the desires and aspirations comming out. It is the source of strenght and energy. In this place I know, that the fundamental is still unknown.
The encounter with art means reading in my imagination owerstep schemes I’ve learned. I’m interested in the moments of nonrecognition when the ratio doesn’t grasp yet, the imporvisation comming to lead than.
Eva Chudomelová was studiyng Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Her main interests are drawing and instaltions which thematize current psychologic-spiritual perception of body. Beside her own artificial activity, she makes collaborations on project dedicated to performance, physical theatre. She cooperate with Spitfire Company or Miřenkou Čechovou and Tantehorse.
*Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague / Textile Department / Sculpture
2019 internship at Royal Academy of Arts v Antwerpy, Belgium
2018 internship in the Department of host artist with David Maljkovič
2017 internship in the Department of host artist with
Marie de Brugerolle,
*Charles University in Prague ⁄ Department of Education
2007-2021 *freelance graphic designer